10月19日 Amjad Abbas Khan Magsi 教授学术报告(巴基斯坦研究中心)


报 告 人:Amjad Abbas Khan Magsi教授

报告题目:Pak-China Relations with Special Reference to CEPC





Dr. Amjad Abbas Khan Magsi, iscurrently teaching at Pakistan Study Center;University of the Punjab Lahore. He has served as the Acting Director of theCentre.The centre also hosts the ‘TheBelt and the Road institute of Jiangsu Normal University established at thePunjab University in 2017. Dr.Magsi earned his Ph.D. in Pakistan Studies fromUniversity of the Punjab in the subject of Pakistan Studies. He did his Mastersfrom Quaid.i.Azam University Islamabad in History and graduated from GovernmentCollege University Lahore in Economics andEuropean History. He has been teaching Government and Politics,Constitutional Development of Pakistan to the Doctoral, Post graduate and theUndergraduate levels at University of the Punjab. He has numerous publicationsin recognized Journals to his credit. Dr.Magsi has been supervising andconducting post graduate research on various aspects of Pakistan Chinarelationships. He has been instrumental in organizing conferences especiallyfocusing mutual relations between the two friendly countries and seminars athis University. He has participated and presented papers in a number ofnational and international seminars and conferences including held by variousChinese Universities . He has been regularly invited to Nationaland International Electronic and Print mediaforums of Pakistan as an analyst on various aspects of Pakistan.
